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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Break

God is truly amazing.... I have proof. Yesterday, we got an amazing blessing.

Now, we had just finished wrapping presents and were just cleaning up. Now, we don't get many visitors where we live, so a knock on the door is pretty rare. Anyways, last night, there was a knock on the door, footsteps running away, lights in the driveway, and then they were gone. We opened the door and sitting there, in a giant red bow, was a whole basketful of food. There was a turkey, cranberries, marshmallows, a pineapple, sparkling apple juice, coke, three boxes of chocolates, brandy chocolate, crackers, snack food, pickles, gingerbread, short bread, oranges, and LOTS more! Go really does provide, and we actually get a Christmas dinner this year!

Also, when my mother was working at the till this morning, some guy in a Santa hat came up to her and gave her a box full of gifts for me and my sister! God is so Good!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Aimee, that's really special. *hugs* I'm so excited for you!
    It is good to see our prayers answered.
