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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Break

God is truly amazing.... I have proof. Yesterday, we got an amazing blessing.

Now, we had just finished wrapping presents and were just cleaning up. Now, we don't get many visitors where we live, so a knock on the door is pretty rare. Anyways, last night, there was a knock on the door, footsteps running away, lights in the driveway, and then they were gone. We opened the door and sitting there, in a giant red bow, was a whole basketful of food. There was a turkey, cranberries, marshmallows, a pineapple, sparkling apple juice, coke, three boxes of chocolates, brandy chocolate, crackers, snack food, pickles, gingerbread, short bread, oranges, and LOTS more! Go really does provide, and we actually get a Christmas dinner this year!

Also, when my mother was working at the till this morning, some guy in a Santa hat came up to her and gave her a box full of gifts for me and my sister! God is so Good!

Monday, December 13, 2010

God Forbid- A poem

Alright, I would REALLY like some feedback on this one.

The whip lashed my back
It gashed my skin
It lashed at my heart
It scared my love
Air burned my lungs
It burned my feelings

I screamed for mercy
I screamed for life
I yelled for love
I wanted it to come

I shuddered as lights flickered
I shook and my heart pounded
I gasped for clean air
But none came to meet my lungs
I flinched at round two

God forbid

Again It lashed out with leather throng
Again It burrowed deep in my skin
Again I screamed, yelled and called out for help
But none came
I heard the number 32 to go

Thirty two more scars for life
Thirty two more reminders
Thirty two lashes to bear
Thirty two more agonizing cuts

I trembled with fear
The leather bit again 
With its soaked red handle
Drops of my life flew carelessly around
They splattered on my face

God forbid

My nails tore at the wood
My teeth ripped the cloth
I arched my back 
Trying to free myself
From this fate
That I cannot escape

No more! 
I cried
Please stop!
I yelled
I am innocent!
My voice echoed 
On the dark walls

I felt a shove on my back
My throat slammed the wood
I coughed from deep down
Trying to rid myself of pain
But it only brought more

God forbid

Raw skin burned like fire 
My body racked with pain
I was kicked and beaten
Broken from the inside out
What more was left?

I shuddered
I looked up with glassy eyes
Tears stung my face
I collapsed on the ground

I was dragged away
Into a dark room
Men’s voices filled the room
They surrounded my bloodied self
They grabbed at my sore body

God forbid

I woke up, unable to move
I felt so dirty and unclean
What had they done?
I am pure no longer.
What am I now…

I cried
I sobbed
I wanted to die
I am unclean
Forever more
Why me? I mumbled
Who cares? I thought
I am hated
I am scorned
No love left for me.

God forbid

Then I felt a hand
Cool and smooth
Lift my bloodied chin
Kind eyes met mine
I looked away, ashamed

Then I sobbed
I shook
I wanted it to end
More tears wet my face
But they were not my own

God looked upon me
His eyes filled with tears
He stroked my hair
And hugged me tight
He loves me so much

God loves. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stepping Stones

Ever thought about those times, that you look up at the next big step in your life, and you just can't do it? Its too high to reach, to large to wrap your mind around? Well. Think about it this way. Use a ladder, take small steps and use each rung in the ladder as an easy, learning lesson. Each rung can be used as little stepping stones. Just a reminder that God is that ladder, to help you reach that goal.

Just think about it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Another one! Yay!

How long must I wait?
Waiting for you.
I have been so scared.
Waiting for you.

I don’t know how much longer.
I must wait for you.
I am beginning to fail.
Waiting for you. 

I glare at temptations
Not sure how to stop them.
I am waiting for your response.
How to stop them all.

I wait for your reply
On so many things
Why don’t you answer?
Or am I just not hearing.

Who else will help?
Nobody but you can
I have been set free
Like nobody else can.
Waiting for you.

I fall down a hole
Waiting for you
I don’t know if I will be caught
Or If I will fall forever…
I am waiting for you.

Stop my waiting 

With God

Another Poem

I am worth more then this.
I thought I had to hide it all.
I can’t believe its not enough. 
This is where the healing starts.

With God.

I can let my secrets out.
I’m not scared to face my fears.
There is freedom waiting for me.
I’m here now.

With God.

He doesn’t care what I did.
He can shed light on me.
He covered all my sins with his blood.
I don’t have to hide.

From God.

He gives us all we need.
I don’t have to look.
I don’t have to change.
Just to please him.

With God.

He is strong enough to save me.
He doesn’t struggle.
I am lifted by his grace.
He will break the sky.

He is God.

He can do anything
No matter what you say
This world can bring you down
But he can lift us above it.

He is God.

He has mercy
He has compassion 
He loves
More then anybody
He is God.

He wipes my tears away
He lifts my chin
He helps me stand
He thinks I am more then anything.

He is God.

I am more then anything
More then all my choices
More then all problems I cause
More then the past mistakes.

Because God Loves Me. 

Life's Sap

This is my first poem... ever!

Life's Sap

I grit my teeth,
fearing what is to follow.
I stroke its shiny steel, 
I stare at the knife.
No longer shall you, 
suck my life’s sap.

I run it along, my scared arm, 
Its razor blade, familiar on my skin.
I pushed down hard, 
I winced in pain.
No longer shall you,
suck my life’s sap.

My eyes grow wide, 
it hurt so much, 
I twisted the blade,
hoping for more.
But no longer shall you, 
suck my life’s sap. 

I dropped the blade,
It clattered so loud, 
The sound rang in my ears.
Like a death bell.
But no longer shall you, 
suck my life’s sap.

No more! I scream. 
I covered my arm.
Tears wet my face,
and I stung my eyes.
But no longer shall you, 
suck my life’s sap.

I cried that night,
Wanting it to end.
Then I looked up,
At the starlit sky.
No more shall you, 
Suck my life’s sap.

Hope gleamed in my eye, 
I bent down low, 
To the creator of all, 
Who was there for me.
No longer shall you, 
suck my life’s sap.

I cried out to God,
He heard me too, 
I cried for mercy, 
From this harsh world.
But no longer shall you, 
Suck my life’s sap.

Blood ran down my arm, 
The red trail left scarlet marks.
They covered my arms, 
Like spider webs.
No longer shall you, 
Suck my life’s sap.

I hand lifted my head,
I looked up at my rescuer, 
All I saw was pure light, 
The light of God.
But no longer shall you, 
suck my life’s breath.

I cried out for joy, 
I was loved by somebody.
Tears of joy steamed down my face, 
I am saved.
No longer shall you, 
Suck my life’s sap.

Saved from the darkness of Satan’s hell
Saved from a life of pain and hate.
God lifted my chin, 
In times of need. 
No longer shall you, 
Suck my life’s breath.

I glared at my knife, 
I hurled it away, 
Curse you, I called
And stood up with the Lord.
No long shall you, suck my life’s sap. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lions, Tigers and Bears! Oh my!

Well, I think that the title can explain it all, what are the things that scare you? Think about it, not just the things like spiders, the dark, olives. Think about the things that deep down inside, you can't help but worry about. Those are the things that God can help you with. I'm not saying that God will come down from heaven and had you a wad of bills to help you pay your bills, but I AM saying that he can help.
I can prove it.

One day, I was doing tech at our local church, we were having problems paying the bills and my Dad had been out of a job for 2 years. I was just leaving the church and a lady I had never seen in my life, came up to me and handed me a letter. On the letter, written in red marker, was the words "He knows" The lady told me to give it to my mother. I was a little startled but shoved it into my pocket. When I got home, I gave it to my mom and inside, was $200 for food. It was a miracle. Also, later that week, a different lady came by from the church and dropped of a huge basket of food and snacks. Along with a food donation from the thrift store, we were set for about a month.

I'm not saying that this will happen to everybody, but this just proves that God is up there, watching and in times of trouble, he cares for you, even when you might not care for him. He knows about all those times that you thought you could never get through, and yet, here you are.